"Absolutely Anything" FAQ

Where can I watch Absolutely Anything?
Absolutely Anything is now streaming on demand. Watch Absolutely Anything now.
What is Absolutely Anything rated?
Absolutely Anything has been rated R for language including sexual references, and brief nudity.
Was Absolutely Anything really Robin Williams’ final film role?
Yes, Absolutely Anything is the last film Robin Williams completed before his tragic passing. We can confirm that he did finish the project in its entirety. Each time Dennis speaks in Absolutely Anything, it is Robin Williams.
When was Absolutely Anything released?
Absolutely Anything was released in the UK August, 2015. Absolutely Anything was released in U.S. theaters May 12th, 2017.
Who made Absolutely Anything?
Absolutely Anything was directed by Terry Jones and was written by Terry Jones and Gavin Scott. It was produced by Bill and Ben Productions, GFM Films, and Premiere Pictures.
Who is distributing Absolutely Anything?
Absolutely Anything film distribution is handled by Atlas Distribution Company (No Greater Love, London Fields).
What is Absolutely Anything about?
Absolutely Anything is about Neil Clarke (Simon Pegg), a disillusioned school teacher, who suddenly finds he has the ability to do anything he wishes, a challenge bestowed upon him by aliens. Unbeknownst to Neil, how he employs his newfound powers will dictate the fate of mankind — one wrong move and the aliens will destroy Earth. Luckily, he has his loyal dog Dennis (voiced by Robin Williams) to help him out!
Who stars in Absolutely Anything?
Absolutely Anything features an all-star lineup including:
  • Simon Pegg
  • Kate Beckinsale
  • Robin Williams (voice of Dennis the dog)
  • Rob Riggle
  • Sanjeev Bhaskar
  • Terry Gilliam
  • Terry Jones
  • John Cleese
  • Eddie Izzard
What breed of dog is Dennis in Absolutely Anything?
Absolutely Anything's Dennis the dog is actually a rescue dog named Mojo. His owners do not know exactly what breed(s) he is.
Where can I see the trailer for Absolutely Anything?
Click here to watch the Absolutely Anything trailer now.
How can I stay up-to-date on Absolutely Anything?
To stay up-to-date on the latest news with Absolutely Anything be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and sign up for the official Absolutely Anything newsletter.
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